Principal R&D Engineer
Isaac Doidge holds a degree in Software Engineering with First Class Honours from The University of Queensland. Following several years of experience in traditional web development, he joined Supra in February of 2022. His exploration of blockchain technology began in 2016, and he remains hopeful about its potential to effect positive global changes.
I have a deep interest in correct programming. I completed my Honours thesis in the field of Program Analysis in partnership with Oracle Labs Australia. Since joining Supra, my focus has shifted more towards Distributed Systems. My research has focused heavily on Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols, including protocols for State Machine Replication and Verifiable Data Dissemination.
My work at Supra is primarily focused on the development of novel algorithms and protocols for application in our distributed systems. This includes researching the current state-of-the-art, innovating new designs and materialising them in formal specifications. I convert these specifications into proof-of-concept implementations and use them to evaluate our designs. I also work alongside the Engineering team to integrate our work into Supra's production systems.
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“Since joining Supra, my focus has shifted more towards Distributed Systems. My research has focused heavily on Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols, including protocols for State Machine Replication and Verifiable Data Dissemination.”
Isaac Doidge
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