藉助完整的基礎設施堆疊和整合服務,您可以在 Supra L1 上端到端運行您的 dApps,創造更快且更安全的體驗。
Layer 1 Blockchain
A scalable and secure foundation that processes transactions, ensures network security, and supports dApps and smart contracts.
Native Oracles
Get access to oracle price feeds and real world asset data feeds out of the box, without any additional integration or overhead.
Native dVRF
Get tamper-proof, unbiased, and cryptographically verifiable onchain randomness, without any additional integration or overhead.
Coming soon
Supra L1 supports MoveVM and EVM dApps, with SolanaVM coming soon. Build with your own preferred Virtual Machine and programming language.
Coming soon
Supra Containers
Create customizable environments for dApps, offering flexibility, scalability, and full control over blockchain ecosystems.
Coming soon
Native Automation
Set up zero-block delay automations natively on Supra L1 that trigger automatically based on preset conditions, improving efficiency in onchain functionalities.
Coming soon
Cross-Chain Communication
Connect and interact with different blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset transfers and communication between multiple chains for greater interoperability.