Integrating Push Oracle

Quick Start: Supra Price Feeds

Supra's Push oracle publishes price pairs on-chain regularly and at high frequencies, enabling consumers to get near real-time prices for their smart contracts. The Push oracle functions via partnerships Supra has with respective chains to share, ensuring that frequent feed updates are available for these destination chains without interruption. Both the Push model and Pull model (on demand) have the same number of data pairs (currently 200+) offered by Supra.

Integrating with Supra price feeds is quick and easy. The price feed value published by Supra is known as an S-Value (aka Supra Value). In the following sections, we will demonstrate how to retrieve an S-Value using Supra's Push model.

Please refer to the below resources for a better understanding of our price feeds.

  • Data Feeds - This explains how Supra calculates the S-value for an asset.

  • Data Feeds Index - This provides a list of data pairs currently offered by Supra.

  • Available Networks - This is a list of available networks and Supra contract addresses.

Important: Please make sure you read and understand Terms of Use before start using Supra products and services.

Let's begin!

Step 1: Create The S-Value Interface

In the first step, you need to build data structures to receive the data feeds and functions required to fetch data into configured data structures. You may add the following code to the Solidity smart contract that you wish to retrieve the S-Value.

pragma solidity 0.8.19;

// depending on the requirement, you may build one or more data structures given below. 

interface ISupraSValueFeed {

// Data structure to hold the pair data
struct priceFeed {
    uint256 round;
    uint256 decimals;
    uint256 time;
    uint256 price;

// Data structure to hold the derived/connverted data pairs.  This depends on your requirements.

struct derivedData{
    int256 roundDifference;
    uint256 derivedPrice;
    uint256 decimals;

// Below functions enable you to retrieve different flavours of S-Value
// Term "pair ID" and "Pair index" both refer to the same, pair index mentioned in our data pairs list.

// Function to retrieve the data for a single data pair
function getSvalue(uint256 _pairIndex)
    returns (priceFeed memory);

//Function to fetch the data for a multiple data pairs
function getSvalues(uint256[] memory _pairIndexes)
    returns (priceFeed[] memory);

// Function to convert and derive new data pairs using two pair IDs and a mathematical operator multiplication(*) or division(/).
//** Curreently only available in testnets
function getDerivedSvalue(uint256 pair_id_1,uint256 pair_id_2,
    uint256 operation)
    returns (derivedData memory);

// Function to check  the latest Timestamp on which a data pair is updated. This will help you check the staleness of a data pair before performing an action. 
function getTimestamp(uint256 _tradingPair) 
returns (uint256);


The above code creates the interface that you will later apply in order to fetch a price from SupraOracles.

Step 2: Configure The S-Value Feed Address

Next, in order to retrieve the S-Value, configure the S-Value feed using the Supra Smart Contract address as demonstrated below. The Supra contract for each network can be found in our network addresses list, and the address used in the example below needs to be replaced.

contract ISupraSValueFeedExample {
    ISupraSValueFeed internal sValueFeed;
    constructor() {
        sValueFeed = ISupraSValueFeed(0xE92D276bBE234869Ecc9b85101F423c6bD26654A);
// used above is a sample address and you should use the correct address of your preffered network 

Step 3: Get The S-Value Crypto Price

Now you can access the S-Values for any of the trading pairs Supra publishes. THe below sample code retrieves S-value for single as well as multiple data pairs for demonstration purposes. You may use it as appropriate.

// requesting s-value for a single pair
function getPrice(uint256 _priceIndex)
    returns (ISupraSValueFeed.priceFeed memory) {
    return sValueFeed.getSvalue(_priceIndex);

// requesting s-values for multiple pairs
function getPriceForMultiplePair(uint256[] memory _pairIndexes) 
    returns (ISupraSValueFeed.priceFeed[] memory) {
    return sValueFeed.getSvalues(_pairIndexes);

// Function to convert and derive a new data pair using two existing pair ids, and a mathematical operator division(1), or multiplication(0).
function getDerivedValueOfPair (uint256 pair_id_1,uint256 pair_id_2,uint256 operation)
    returns(ISupraSValueFeed.derivedData memory){
    return sValueFeed.getDerivedSvalue(pair_id_1,pair_id_2,operation);

Recommended Best Practices: Create a function with access control that updates the sValueFeed using the function updateSupraSvalueFeed().

This will allow you to update the address of the Supra storage contract after deployment to future-proof your contract. Access control is mandatory to prevent the undesired modification of the address.

function updateSupraSvalueFeed(ISupraSValueFeed _newSValueFeed) 
onlyOwner {
sValueFeed = _newSValueFeed;

Example Implementation:

Here's an example of what your implementation should look like:

pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "./ISupraSValueFeed.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract ConsumerContract is Ownable {

ISupraSValueFeed internal sValueFeed;

constructor(ISupraSValueFeed _sValueFeed) {

function updateSupraSvalueFeed(ISupraSValueFeed _newSValueFeed) 
onlyOwner {
sValueFeed = _newSValueFeed;

function getSupraSvalueFeed() external view returns(ISupraSValueFeed){
return sValueFeed;

function getPrice(uint256 _priceIndex) 
returns (ISupraSValueFeed.priceFeed memory) {
return sValueFeed.getSvalue(_priceIndex);

function getPriceForMultiplePair(uint256[] memory _pairIndexes) 
returns (ISupraSValueFeed.priceFeed[] memory) {
return sValueFeed.getSvalues(_pairIndexes);

function getDerivedValueOfPair(uint256 pair_id_1,uint256 pair_id_2,uint256 operation)
returns(ISupraSValueFeed.derivedData memory){
return sValueFeed.getDerivedSvalue(pair_id_1,pair_id_2,operation);

Last updated